Blue Water Parrot Head Club
Meeting Minutes 8/13/24
Lynwood Bar
President’s Remarks~ Welcome to the Lynwood Bar!
Remember to record your volunteer hours.
Jim led us in our traditional TEAM DRINK!
Keep those can tabs (trying to collect a thousand pounds this year).
Tropical shirts, and mascara wands for donation.
Remember the sinners fee for those that forget their badge (Hangy Thing).
26 members were present, 2 of them sinned (forgot their badges).
50/50 Raffle Can’t win if you don’t play!
Updates: Tom L. delivered treasurer’s report. Blood drive dates and locations were included.
The wire and cord collections are being shelved until fall.
Spare Change Challenge: Once again, the funds collected will go towards our 2024 foster children. Jim R. will remain as one of the team captains for this year, “Jimmy’s Little Elves” and Donna H. has once again reprised her role of team captain, her team is called “Tropical Christmas Cause”. Let the challenge continue. Ending in October, looking for new team captains.
“Putt in 4 Paws” – We donated 108 pounds of supplies and $300 to the Sanilac County humane society. The reason the driving range closed is that the humane society will be constructing a new shelter on the site. Excellent lunch at the Village Pub
Tires and Treads: The “Pirates in the Park” was a great success. Tim Horan won second place for his Mac n Cheese and Ken Nofs was the best dressed pirate. Fourteen Hundred dollars was raised and the traveling treasure chest is now over $4100. Lots of treasure maps were left and it looks like another session of “Pirates in the Park” will be scheduled June 2025. Carson is wearing his pirate clothing with pride and spends time in the ship. Fran M. mentioned that Gearing Elementary in East China township and Thomas Edison Elementary in Fort Gratiot township are the next schools to be provisioned.
Road Clean up – Look for our last cleanup scheduled for September 29th. We plan on giving up this function unless someone is willing to chair it and gather some younger individuals to participate. Thanks to Steve P. for managing the cleanup all these years.
Rotary International Day Parade – Float decorating was another success; the new skirting looks great. The BBQ and bonfire were enjoyed. Great day for a parade, a little sprinkle of rain, but a good time. We didn’t win any of the awards, nuts.
Club 21st Anniversary Party = Scheduled for Saturday September 7th at the home of Jim and Donna H. beginning at 4pm bring a dish to pass, your beverages and a chair. Our usual boat drink contest will be held, three entries needed. The Phlocking Phlocker award will be presented after voting conducted during the August meeting. Please RSVP to Jim or Donna with the dish you intend to bring.
Buffett Tribute Band – Gary R. spoke on a performance scheduled for January 18th, 2025, at the Macomb Center for the performing arts. The flyer is on our website.
Michigan Parkinson Foundation - “Team Rocking the Thumb” as presented by Shelly P. The organization is holding a Walk-a-thon at the Jimmy John field in Utica on September 14th.
Hawaiian Shirt Deploy – Used/new shirts being collected by a Parrot Head group in St. Louis Mo., they will be sent to various deployed service members. Bring any donations to our club meetings.
CAN Roof Sit – The Child Abuse and Neglect council is holding their yearly roof site from September 8th – 13th at the Michigan Mutual building in Port Huron. Jim H. made a motion to donate $250, our usual donation, Steve P. suggested that we up it to out maximum allowable amount of $500 which was seconded by Donna H. a near unanimous voice vote was taken with only nay vote (Jim H. since his brother Bob couldn’t be there to handle it).
Feeding Frenzy – Discussed possibly having one at Bootleggers but with the busy calendar everyone is having we decided to let the anniversary party fill that function for now.
Meat Raffle- Sue H. has volunteered to chair our yearly raffle which provides the largest portion of our charity funds. The drawing will be held at the March 11th club meeting. Additional details will be available soon.
Margarita fest – Lexington is having their Margaritafest on Saturday August 24th, ten Beach Drive is playing for 12 – 3:30 pm and Air Margaritaville is playing for 7:30 – 10:00 pm. There is a decorated golf cart and Limbo contests.
The 50/50 raffle was $68.
Meeting closed by birthday phlockers leading our Team Drink