Place and Time
May/JuneMonthly CharityPostoned for July. Will start again in Sept.
PlanningConcertBelow is a flyer about a Jimmy Buffett tribute band playing at Macomb Center on Hall Road on Saturday January 18, 2025 at 7:30pm. We are thinking of going as a group to get discount tickets. This will be brought up at upcoming meetings so let us know what you think.
9/1/24RIP Jimmy BuffettOur beloved singer and friend, Jimmy passed one year ago today! ~~~^~~~
9/7/24Club Anniversary PartyHoward's house 4253 Juniper, Port Huron starting at 4:00. Please bring a dish to pass, your chair and your drinks. Bon fire if weather permits. We will be having Gumbo and The Dessert!We will be having the Boat Drink Contest if we have at least 3 contestents. Make a drink that is unique and make a great presentation. Both will be judged and prizes will be given.
9/10/24Club Meeting and SocialLynwood Bar, Marysville on the deck. Social starts at 6:00 and meeting at 7:00. Don't forget your Hangie or you will get a "Sinners Fee" of $1.00!
9/29/24Road Clean-UpWe will be meeting at the Ride/Share at Fred Moore HWY and I94 at 9:45 to get vests, donuts and Scavenger Hunt lists. We will start cleaning at 10:00 SHARP! This will be our last road clean up unless someone else wants to take it over and others want do do the cleaning. We have been doing this for 20 years and just can't keep up with it.
10/8/24Club Meeting and SocialLynwood Bar, Marysville on the deck. Social starts at 6:00 and meeting at 7:00. Don't forget your Hangie or you will get a "Sinners Fee" of $1.00!
10/31/24Happy Halloween! BOOHappy Halloween! BOO

Quote Of The Month

Bill Padgett: "What happens when the neighbor puts the whole container of color on the fire!
Look Mom, Northern Lights at the neighbors house."
